A Ministry of North Lake Prebysterian Church

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Villages resident learns to ask, then prepare to receive

Villager Cheryl Hershberger is tickled pink, and she wants the community to know why.As the on-site manager of the Christian Food Pantry in Lady Lake, Cheryl is pleased by the response from residents who have answered the call for food donations to the pantry.
“People are coming out of the woodwork and I am thrilled,” Cheryl said after a story about the pantry’s need for nonperishable foods was published in the Daily Sun.“People are so generous and wonderful,” she said. “It just blows me away. We have had people coming in here since Monday morning bringing stuff, and it’s just getting better and better all the time.”Cheryl says she was deeply touched when a local group, the Cleveland Browns Backers, offered to provide 200 holiday hams for the pantry’s clients for Easter. She was touched again when Chick-Fil-A offered to host a Spirit Night on May 4, from which the restaurant will donate 15 percent of its sales. Chick-Fil-A’s management also hopes diners will bring nonperishable food donations that can be loaded into a truck and delivered to the pantry.Several Villagers asked Cheryl where they could mail monetary donations for the pantry. The best way, she says, is to make checks payable to North Lake Presbyterian Church, which oversees the food pantry, and write Christian Food Pantry on the memo line. Donations can be mailed to the church, 975 Rolling Acres Road, Lady Lake.

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